GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!! I'm sitting in the coffee shop with beautiful music playing and a incredible aroma in the air enjoying thoughts of my precious family. So a few funny things for ya'll. I was getting out of a car on Thursday night right in front of the Rec. Hall full of people (because it's really cold now). As I was exiting the car my shirt decided it would stay in the car. Somehow it had attached itself to the lever that pulls the seat back. It was pretty much the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me in a while. --- So the Student body officers are David Broughton, Edward Estes, and Jeff Tuttle -aka- "The Three Men". They are doing an amazing job with activities and putting so much thought and preparation into each aspect of their position. For example the last chapel they made a video of a campus service worker cleaning in the Founders room and dusting the pictures of all the couples on the wall. Patz, Ollila... Well, all the sudden as he was feather dusting the picture of Dr. Patz and his wife somehow he ripped the picture in two. The worker was devistated and he didn't know what to do. Then all the sudden Dr. Ollila appears and says "It's ok. Everything is fine. You didn't mean to do it." Dr. Ollila then picked up the picture and realized that there was something on the back. (A Message) He began to get excited and started to explain to the worker that this was a good find, and that there was an old legend at Northland about there being a hidden treasure somewhere on Campus and there were clues hidden in different locations. The movie ended and David ran up on stage and said, "This is for real and the search begins NOW!". And with that Chapel was dismissed. ---The clues were hard and the whole campus was searching for the $200 gift card to walmart. It was so funny! Some of the staff were getting way too involved. ---Another funny thing, one of the officers has a sock puppet that they do movies on as well. I know it kind of sounds crazy, but he does a really funny voice and you can't help but laugh all the time. They have done some amazing things with this "Mr. Goofus Hanes" like take him into an actual Greenbay Packers game. He has people on video talking to this sock as if it's a normal person. --I'm telling you all this because of how funny and weird it is and because Mr. Goofus asked me if I would go to the artist Series with him. This means that I'll be on the next student body video going to the artist series with a sock! Segments of the whole evening, Yikes! I'll be escorted by a sock. A sock will give my flowers. I'll have my pictures taken with a sock. -And I'll be known as the girl that Goofus Hanes took to the artist series. --when we're not being taped I'll be able to have a normal fun time with David. I hope! -- I miss you all. I can't wait to see you. Tell Titus tummy I love him already and Lukilye I love shim. Mark and Anne, Beth and Jason, Jonas and Ella- Stay warm and Get a twinkle of hope in your eyes!! "Great Peace have they that love Thy law and nothing shall offend them."--
Wow Amy! That's quite a post. Good job. So, you're going to artist series with a sock puppet? I guess that's better than no one. :) Maybe your shirt coming off in front of the rec hall had something to do with the invitation! J/K Is that appropriate? Oh well, this blog is supposed to be just for us anyway, right?
Justin, How are you feeling? I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. I hope you're not falling behind with stuff. We've all been there and that's not fun. Sorry. I wish I could help you somehow. Call if you want or have time. Love you. beth
Great job! That is what I'm talkin' urr...uhh typin' about. It sounds like Mr. Goofus is a bit of a romantic. I like David, he is a good guy and a fun friend. Enjoy your time okay.
Hope you don't get sick sick. I have to say it, drink a lot of water. Okay, I'm done telling you what to do. . . for now anyway. I love you all.
Beth and fam,
I miss you lots. Can't wait 'til our kids get to meet each other. I hope they will have a few years together at least. That would mean we both have to move back to Tennessee for a few years. :) Maybe. . .
Love you all,
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